Tag: Tarot Cards

Tarot and Trauma

Recently I got to thinking about tarot and trauma. We all know that tarot is a great wellness tool. It shouldn’t replace therapy, but working with tarot can be a powerful visual aid to healing. We talk a lot about the tarot as a spiritual tool, but I rarely hear people talk about tarot and […]

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Court Cards, like you, are more than one flavor

Court Cards (the Page, Knight, Queen, and King cards) can be some of the most challenging cards to interpret in a reading. They can represent any of the following: So, how do you know what the card represents? It depends on the question asked. If you are doing a reading about self-reflection, then the qualities […]

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Chakras, Chakra meanings, Chakra and Tarot cards

Chakras and Tarot Cards

Chakras. You’ve heard of ’em, right? If not, here’s the quick of it: They’re spinning wheels of light in your energetic body. There are seven basic chakras, each correlating with different aspects of Self and life. Check out the above ‘lil picture I drew to see their deal. Each chakra will spin brighter and happier […]

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