The Magician

Images from the Laughing Eye Weeping Eye tarot, the Rider-Waite Smith tarot, and the Colorful Tears tarot

The Magician is a call to do something now.

It’s time to will something into being, to become the alchemist and mix the fine stuff of your life into one brand new mystical potion and take a drink.

The Magician is numbered one in the Major Arcana and represents the first step in a journey. Following the carefree musings of the Fool (card zero), the Magician decides to commit or follow a course of action.

While they hold a newfound dedication, the Magician still has a long road ahead; they have initiative but lack experience. Like the stage magician, you might feel like you’re conjuring something out of thin air.

Your magic will work, but you have to believe in it. The intention is what matters. The plan follows. As the active energy of this card suggests, it’s momentum that propels you forward.

On a more literal read, this card can indicate an interest in stage performance, alchemy, being a sage or wizard, acting, or doing something that requires an audience.

This card can also indicate a smoke and mirrors vibe, especially when drawn reversed. If about someone else, the do-it-now, illusory qualities of the Magician can be a warning that all is not as it seems. Someone might be presenting half-truths. Or, maybe you’re being love-bombed by someone using manipulation tactics. Look to surrounding cards and listen to your gut to see if your Magician is a trickster.

The do-it-now, confident feeling of this card can also wane when the card’s reversed. You might need more time before taking action or deciding.


Tarot Spread

If you are drawn to the Magician and want to dig deeper, get them outta your deck, make them your mascot, and draw some cards from the rest of the deck with this tarot spread I created!