Ten of Wands

With the Ten of Wands, there’s a heavy weight to carry.

Your burdens may be emotional, financial, or creative. You might have too many projects, interests, or commitments.

The end goal may be significant. You might be finishing an important project and building something of value. Maybe you’ve poured all your soul or resources into something and are close to the finish line. Wherever you are in the process, a lot is riding on your shoulders.

In a relationship reading, the Ten of Wands suggests weight and pressure. You might feel overwhelmed by the demands of the relationship(s), emotionally void, or carrying more than your fair share of responsibility. Perhaps the thought of connecting or dating seems unbearably difficult.

On a spiritual level, the Ten of Wands is a card of sorting through mental barriers, cumbersome attitudes, and trauma. The soul is laden with some heavy stuff.

The normal advice for the Ten of Wands is to simplify, ask for help, or let go of what (or who) seems to be depleting your life force.

But this card can also be the last leg before the finish line and a shout to hold on tight through the stress and pressure; you’re almost there!

Surrounding tarot cards can tell you if your hard work is paying off or if you’re shooting yourself in the foot by carrying more weight than it should bear.

When drawn reversed, the burden of the Ten of Wands intensifies. You might be exhausting yourself to the point of no return, leading to breakdown and despair.

The card’s reversal can also signify the denial of your situation; you’re under pressure but make light of it or refuse to prioritize your wellness and safety. In personal dealings, you might lack boundaries or be unable to see how others are taking advantage of you.

At the other extreme, the Ten of Wands reversed can mean that you’re avoiding action altogether. You might feel overwhelmed by your goals, the steps to get there, and your desire to be perfect. The advice is to examine psychological barriers.

The Ten of Wands is the ability to climb to the top or the potential to be crushed by the strain of trying to get there. What helps is understanding your motivation and your picture of success and happiness.


Tarot Spread

If you are drawn to the Ten of Wands and want to dig deeper, get them out of your deck, make them your mascot, and draw some cards from the rest of the deck with this tarot spread I created!