Page of Cups

The Page of Cups is the open and healing heart.

Listening to its pulse can broaden your love for yourself and others. It’s time to get curious about what you feel and why. What makes you tick? What makes you ick?

If you’ve drawn this card, it’s time to investigate the workings of your heart from an innocent and non-judgmental perspective. Get curious about who you are and how you feel.

As a bearer of messages from the heart and an explorer of emotion, you’re also asked to consider the feelings surrounding your relationships. What connections and situations support your spirit? Center yourself around what brings peace and security.

The Page is curious and poised to learn; they’re a student of sentiment. Look at your feelings like they’re new to you. An inquisitive, gentle spirit brings the most enlightenment. See yourself from an outside perspective.

Sometimes, the Page of Cups appears during an emotional renaissance. There may have been a break-up or hard times. As the heart begins to heal, new understanding emerges; you’re investigating love and embracing self-compassion as an intrinsic value to stand in. You wholly embrace yourself.

The youthful, exploratory energy of the Page is metaphorical; however, this card can also indicate an actual person. They may be a child or an adult with a jovial and curious spirit. The innocent connotations of this card also suggest a period of reminiscence or revisiting childhood. Maybe you’re being placed back into childhood roles.

When drawn reversed, the Page of Cups can indicate denial or stunted maturity in yourself or others.  You might be denying yourself compassion and healing or giving love to the wrong people. Maybe your heart’s breaking, and you’re not slowing to hear its voice. The Page of Cups encourages you to see your heart as delicate, hopeful, strong, and full of unique essence. Healing and love come when the heart is honored and seen.


Tarot Spread

If you want to dig deeper into the Page of Cups, get them outta your deck, make them your mascot, and draw some cards from the rest of the deck with this tarot spread I created!