Two of Cups

Images from the Laughing Eye Weeping Eye tarot, the Rider-Waite Smith tarot, and the Colorful Tears tarot

The Two of Cups is the union of hearts and bringing together what matters.

You might be connecting with a worthwhile partner, friend, or ally. The bridge between you is formed with care; being centered in your spirit gives you the stability to step forward.

Traditional renderings of this card show visual symmetry; the alliances and lover(s) facing you stand on equal footing. The Two of Cups is a reminder that unions and collaborations only work when all involved hold the same goals.

Timing also matters. It’s important to ask if the people, opportunities, or lover(s) facing you are on a timeline parallel to yours.

I find this card to be a more solid bet on love than the Lovers card. The figures and visual shapes are faced together, which alludes to deeper understanding and connection. The Lovers is more indicative of passion than friendship, which is essential to a lasting connection.

This card bodes well for business or professional advancement. Because this card is in the Suit of Cups, the realm of feeling, what’s meeting your gaze is heart-centered. Trust and mutual respect are needed.

When drawn reversed, you may deny love, struggle with trust, or be unaware of the bigger picture or circumstances. You might take things slowly.

The Two of Cups reversed can also suggest getting out of a situation that’s no longer beneficial.

Mostly, the Two of Cups reminds you that your heart knows what it needs and can speak for you when you put in the time to listen to it.



Tarot Spread

If you are drawn to the Two of Cups and want to dig deeper, get them outta your deck, make them your mascot, and draw some cards from the rest of the deck with this tarot spread I created!