Reading Tarot Card Reversals

The Hanged Man tarot card is the poster child for tarot reversals. This card reminds us that sometimes yielding action is the best action, which is, of course, completely terrifying. Most of us want control all the time. I know I do!

It sucks when things don’t go according to plan. Or when we recognize that we need to step back and re-evaluate our lives, relationships, or goals before moving forward. It would be so much easier if everything we wanted fell into place!

The irony is that sometimes you have to go backward to go forward.

You might want the perfect love/scenario to enter your life, so you date continuously. Much to your annoyance, the situations you are in feel like the same rollercoaster ride repeatedly.

To move forward, you have to ditch the circus, get into some alone space, and question what you want and why you want it. Maybe the desire for a strong relationship is actually the desire to find more contentment.

I do a lot of this backward movement with goals. Sometimes I start pursuing a new direction and ask, “Why am I doing this? Will this make me happy?”

Life in reverse is the recognition that moving forward isn’t always the answer, and sometimes, you have to walk it back to find your gold.

When cards are drawn reversed, they ask us to:

  • Reconsider.
  • Accept that life is not always in our control; there are roadblocks and times when we need to give pause.
  • Journey inward to find answers.
  • Understand shadow influences.
  • Question our circumstances, the players, or the vibe. It’s time for a gut check.

So before you see a tarot reversal and panic, step back, take a deep breath, and remind yourself that going backward is still life in motion.

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