Water, Earth, Air, & Fire – Zine Workbooks


Enrich your tarot and magic practice by going deep into the four elements.


Elements Water, Earth, Air, and Fire are the buildings block of life! Harness their power in your magical and tarot practice with these four zines. These workbooks are packed with info and fun exercises to help you deepen your connection to the energies of the elements. Here is what’s included in each zine:

  • Charts, drawings, and fun exercises help you see what each element is about.
  • Rituals are included to help you channel each element and use its powers.
  • Information on how the elements connect to the tarot. You’ll dive deep into each tarot suit (Cups/Water, Earth/Pentacles, Swords/Air, Wands/Fire) and explore how these cards carry the energy of each element. Tarot spreads and readings will also help you deepen your connection to each of the suits, and strengthen your tarot practice as a whole.

Each zine is:
– Is 5.5″ x 8.5″
– Printed in black and white, with a cardstock cover.
– Each zine is between 25-50 pages long. Lots of stuff going on here!
– Super rad for tarot and witchy folks!
– Makes a great gift.