How accurate should a Psychic be?

I recently went to New Orleans, and like most people on the planet who visit New Orleans I got a psychic reading. The woman who read for me is a bone reader named Karen. The bones are in a bag and she asks the questioner to reach into the bag and toss the bones onto a chart, which she then interprets. 

Laughing Eye Weeping Eye Tarot Tarot card reader how acccurate should a psychic be accurate psychic Rebecca Schoenecker
The Laughing Eye Weeping Eye Tarot

The reading was wonderful, confirming a lot of things I had been wondering about. However, there were a few things that were off mark. One thing that was way off-mark. But the reading was still incredible, with most things being very accurate. 

The things that were accurate were startlingly accurate. Some of her insights about my life were simply wow. For example, she was able to describe, and draw (she’s also an artist) an ornate frame in my living room, which displays a very important family photo. And she said something very personal about the photo, which impacted me greatly and helped me to connect with the photo in a deeper way. 

On the other hand, she did suggest I might be moving (which is leaning towards true), but she mentioned Florida as a possibility. And I can tell you right now, there’s no way in hell I’m moving to Florida. 

So, how could she, as a Psychic, make such startling insights but also say things that were way off the mark?

Here’s why. 

We Psychics are human. We are not the all-seeing divine. 

Let me share my process with you.

When I do intuitive work, I am opening a channel to receive information. While there is a methodology for reading the cards, a lot of the information comes from outside of myself. Other psychics might not work that way, but I do.

I think of it like tree limbs. Above my head the crown chakra opens up like radio antennae, tapping into the super-conscious, where information is stored. 

But, I am still tied to the trunk and the roots of the tree.; The trunk of the tree is the mind, which is governed by logic. Logic is what makes sense of intuition, or the information coming through the super-conscious. The trunk of the tree is the physical reality where you and the questioner interact. The mind processes the etheric into understandable information.

And as you can imagine, the human mind is much more prone to error. 

That is why Karen was able to pick up on a possible move, but her human mind, the logic side, interrupted the channel of energy coming in. Which is completely and naturally normal. No one in a body can stay in the super-conscious forever. Because you would be God, Goddess, Spirit, or whatever divine being you might call it. 

So you might be asking: Why trust a Psychic then?

Before I answer that, I will say this: A psychic reading should confirm what you feel, know, and want — not predict your decisions or give absolute outcomes. Your decisions are yours.

So, the trust between you and Psychic needs to be a mutual understanding that the reason you are here is for confirmation of your life path. And if they are a good Psychic, they will help confirm that with you.

That is why Karen was a good Psychic. She got to the heart of my dreams and my experiences, and connected with me in a way that helped me process these. Just because she thought I might end up in Florida does not mean she was in any way less powerful or insightful. 

So, these are my words to you: Give the Psychic a break. And this applies to Psychics who, for the most part, are doing a pretty good job at tapping into the heart of you. 

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